1964 Cobblers ... this is your class web site!
Hopefully you are continuing to visit here for news about our classmates ... check the "Messages" posted below for the best way to stay connected. Finally, please update your profile on the "Classmates" page to share your latest personal information.
Our 60th Reunion Celebration
"Together Again!"
September 13-15, 2024
Use the Menu in the upper right corner to access the 60th Reunion page for schedule and location details. Registration forms have been mailed, and are also available on the 60th Reunion page. We're looking forward to seeing everyone!
The 60th Reunion ... September 13-15, 2024.
Please view the "Attendees/Donations" page to see the list of our classmates who have registered. How about a trip back in time to the music of our junior and senior high school years? We're having a modified “Name that Tune” event titled “Music to Remember” that will be held after dinner on Saturday night. You’ll have an opportunity to listen to some great music that hopefully will trigger many wonderful memories of those special years. After listening to a short clip of each song, the audience must identify the song, and the performing artist/group. Recognizing the songs may be easy … remembering who sang the song may be not so much. You will have an opportunity to share any special memory about each song.
The Priceless Gift
"Consider yourself blessed to have been a Baby-Boomer,
Born as a member of arguably the 2nd best generation ever,
Lucky to have been placed in Rapid City during your formative years,
Surrounded by RCHS classmates and friends with strong personal values that hopefully shaped your life in the most positive manner possible. This gift was PRICELESS!"
Please use "Memorials" page to see the obituaries/tributes of our classmates who have passed.